ESG report
Adria Dental Group is dedicated to sustainability, and we are proud to present our ESG report. This report reflects our commitment to responsible business practices and long-term value creation for our communities, environment, and all stakeholders.
This Sustainability Report has been prepared for the period from 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023 and includes information about environmental, social, and governance impacts, risks, and opportunities of Adria Dental Group (ADG or Group). Data in the report cover the following members of the Adria Dental Group: Arena Dental d.o.o., Arena Dental Lab d.o.o., Salona Dental stomatološka poliklinika d.o.o., Dentalni laboratorij Vladimir Tešija d.o.o., Poliklinika Rident d.o.o., Ridental d.o.o., Dentum d.o.o., Poliklinika Fiziodent, Dentex d.o.o., Dragaš Dental Design d.o.o., and D3lab d.o.o. It is indicated in the text where this is not the case.
The report has been prepared following the European Sustainability Reporting Standards with the intention to prepare timely for future regulatory requirements. In the reporting period, Adria Dental Group was not legally obliged to prepare sustainability statements.