

Recognizing Excellence in Future Dentists

After the initial call for applications to our prestigious scholarship program and a period of evaluating the received applications, as well as conducting interviews with all the candidates, the scholarship committee of Adria Dental Group has selected the scholarship recipients: Iva Bunoza, Domagoj Kilić, and Nika Kosović from the University of Zagreb, Marija Badrov and Marija Ana Perko from the University of Split, and Bernard Kozina from the University of Rijeka.

Despite the initial call for five scholarships, due to the high number of outstanding candidates, the scholarship committee led by Prof. Andrija Petar Bošnjak decided to expand the competition by offering an additional scholarship, demonstrating Adria Dental Group's desire to welcome highly motivated students with excellent knowledge on their professional development path.

As part of the scholarship program, the selected students will have the opportunity to work with state-of-the-art technologies and high-quality materials using cutting-edge digital equipment such as scanners, printers, milling machines, and lasers. Moreover, they will have the chance to develop their professional skills through modern working methods, mentorship, and supervision by experienced doctors and university professors. In addition to professional development, the scholarship recipients will receive an annual stipend of €3,000 with the possibility of permanent employment after completing their studies.

Adria Dental Group, the largest dental medicine organization in the region, will invite final-year dental medicine students from the faculties in Zagreb, Split, and Rijeka to apply for its scholarship program in the upcoming academic years. For more information about the next scholarship program, please follow our website and social media channels.